Clarkdale, Arizona

The Town of Clarkdale, Arizona, population 4,393 (2018), lies 100 miles north of Phoenix between Prescott and Sedona. In 2017, it adopted a transfer of development rights ordinance aimed at: preserving open space, natural areas, and historic resources; installing infrastructure and town-approved public art; and reducing water use. 

A transfer can result in reduced density or increased open space on a sending site. The ordinance allows the town to buy, hold and sell development rights. The town may also enter into interjurisdictional agreements with a county or another municipality in order to allow interjurisdictional transfers. 

Developers interested in using transferred development rights apply for a zone change. All transfers must be consistent with the Clarkdale General Plan. The transfer from a permanently restricted sending site is documented by a recorded development agreement. Transfers cannot result in an overall increase in residential density or lot coverage in commercial developments.