The commune of Le Grand Bornand, population 2.250, is a resort town in the Haute-Savoie department of the Rhone-Alpes region in the mountains of southeastern France about 30 miles southeast of Geneva, Switzerland. It launched its TDR program in 1981.
The sending area is the Bouchet Valley which flanks the Borne River above the village of Le Grand Bornand. The TDR code requires receiving site developers to transfer at least 50 percent of the TDRs that can be used in the receiving zone. Renard (1999) observes that this requirement creates an incentive for developers to build to the maximum densities of the land use plan. It also facilitates the building of additional units on a receiving site in the event that the developer does not initially use all of the TDRs transferred to that site.
Between 1983 and 1997, 25 building projects used TDRs under the Le Grand Bornand program.
Renard, V. (1999) Application of tradable permits to land-use management. In Implementing Domestic Tradable Permits for Environmental Protection. Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.