Profiled 5-6-24
The City of Orange, population 137,254 (2021) is located in Orange County, California. The Orange General Plan 2030, adopted in 2010, identifies TDR as a means of implementing four goals.
- Provide for increased levels of residential use at appropriate sites by allowing transfers from sending sites in the Urban-Mixed Use LU designation that permit receiving sites in the Urban Mixed-use LU designation to exceed baseline up to 0.25 FAR for the purpose of increased residential development at the receiving site.
- Provide for high-rise development (10 stories or more) at identified locations by allowing transfers from sending sites in the Urban-Mixed Use LU designation that permit receiving sites in the Urban Mixed-use LU designation to exceed baseline up to 1.0 FAR.
- Expand and preserve open space in Neighborhood mixed-use environments, by providing for the transfer of unused FAR from sending sites in the Neighborhood Mixed-Use and Old Towne Mixed Use LU designations that allow receiving sites in the Neighborhood Mixed-use LU designation to exceed baseline by bonuses determined via Development Agreement
- Support historic preservation in Old Towne mixed use environments by providing for the transfer of unused FAR from sending sites in the Old Towne Mixed Use LU designations that allow receiving sites in the Neighborhood Mixed-use LU designation and Old Towne Mixed-use LU designation to exceed baseline by bonuses determined via Development Agreement
The city’s zoning code does not contain TDR provisions. Orange apparently implements the TDR mechanism found in its General Plan directly through Development agreements which must be consistent with the general plan as well as meeting four additional criteria.