Greener Cities
European cities can demonstrate their progress toward diverse sustainability goals by competing for the European Green Capital and European Greenleaf awards (See: Ecocity Snapshots: Learning from Europe’s Greener Places at the Publications tab.) Some cities in the United States are also pursuing ambitious goals. U.S. cities are still a long way from being truly sustainable. But the profiles below illustrate places that are becoming greener cities.
Washington, DC Downtown Ecodistrict
Washington, DC Southwest Ecodistrict
Greener Counties
Lasting Value: Open Space Planning and Preservation Successes (American Planning Association – Planners Press, 2012) celebrates 24 communities from throughout the United States that excel at saving farmland and natural areas for future generations. Of course, there are many more cities, towns and counties that deserve recognition for noteworthy accomplishments in protecting our remaining countryside. Click on any of the following entries for thumbnail portraits of some of these communities.
Los Angeles County, California
Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts